About me

My Name is Thore Bödecker and I am a passionate archlinux user and sysadmin, currently doing my master studies in computer science at the TU Berlin.

I've got my bachelor's engineering degree in "Informationstechnik/Vernetzte Systeme" (comparable to technical computer science) at the HTW Berlin in 2013. While finalizing my bachelor thesis/project I was employed at Searchmetrics GmbH as a sysadmin, where I've been staying since.

My hobbies are mostly IT oriented, e.g. linux, servers, hardware, watercooling and all sorts of stuff. The exception from that is riding my bike, the reliable and somehow indestructible Honda CBF-500 PC39 (2007).

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to send them to: blog [at] foxxx0 [dot] de.

Last updated: Sun 12 July 2015
